
grow some strawberries in a pot

we heart it- We rated our stress levels in psychology today, mine was high.  Best way to deal with that is to surround yourself with wonderful things.


ADAM said...

oh so true my dear. I have become part o' the blogosphere.

Patrick said...

Hmm, stressed you say? I have never noticed. Ok, this is what? Your fourth blog today? addicted much?

LF said...

great photos//love that tattoo.

Evangeline said...

That is very true. I like your blog as well!

Baybay Mama said...

Wow, lovely. I agree.

Anonymous said...

you have the perfect selection of photos
i love that tatto one, and btw that website you recommended is amazing!

Light and Writing said...

This is so true! Thank you so much for visiting me! You have a great blog, I will be returning!