
hug a tree for me

Off to New York City, visiting Purchase college on thursday and friday, if you know of any things I need to see while up there, let me know.  Happy Earth Day! 
skull set


Evie Stothert said...

have a brilliant time!

Elisa said...

Earth day is great. I bought a pure hydration reusable bottle ;)

Move said...

happy earth days too :)

E said...

here are beautiful pictures. I like them:)

Unknown said...

I was just reading your last post! Don't you just love the wind? lol Especially on those days when you style your hair perfectly? haha

Francheska L said...

Bess NYC!!
where everything is studded
im sure its like walking into heaveen!!
Im jealousss!

herecomesthesun said...

Ahhh so jealous you get to just go to NYC. Hope it's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to NYC! It is going to be 80 degrees so don't miss the chance to lay out in Central Park. Great people watching!!


Little Lj said...

Oh NYC *sigh*.

Soho shopping, lying barefoot in Central Park and walking over Brooklyn Bridge to get an ice cream at the Ice Cream Factory on Old Fulton St.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog :)
Thanks for your comment !
sorry if I didn´t replied the comment before.
the girl in the photo isn´t me.
