
students drop like flies from the library

The past few weeks the weather has been crazy, hopefully though it will stay sunny.
Lovely leah at everything is absolutely alright gave me an award. 
I think, that If you want this award, you should give it to yourself, because your blogs amaze me. So give it to you, love me.


this wheel's on fire said...

happy award dear :)

Style Spot said...

Congrats on the award, lovely xo

Suzanne said...

Yes I hope the weather will be nice the next weeks:D Love the one with the black&white shorts!

boubou said...

bonjour !
first time i come across your blog so im gonna visit it now :)
ps : lovelyheader !
well if you wanna be inspired by mu collages or just dream, come and visit my blog !
a bientot !
Boubouteatime xx