
was not a green, not a base, just a horse

Even though I'm not at the beach, I am in the country. 
Playing around, relaxing, eating lots of ice cream.
There are certain things that I am missing about home though.


ADAM said...

I'm loving the city, but the country also sounds so pleasant! This Boston weather couldn't be nicer though.

Anna Wallace said...

how obvious!! ha!

i feel your pain however...

herecomesthesun said...

Are you on holiday? Hope you're having a wonderful time!

Darrah said...

I've been at the beach for the last week, and have to admit that I love it... It's so relaxing, and I ended up with a nice tan.

Carol Jeandel said...

WoooooW , so much fun at there !! i want to beach tooooo ; )

Anonymous said...

Loving the first pic :)

The FourOhSeven said...

ha ha love the necklace :)