
all the new ways

Finished my first week of classes.
I am way to sleepy.

College is not what I expected,
but I love what's happening.
A party every night.
Plus my roommate rocks,
and our room is a second home.


surfy birdy said...

i love your posts. they are so intreging and lovely. love the photo with the sunshine. :)
peace & love!

lilbent said...

gotta love good roomies and lots of parties. love you, girl, beautiful post

Court said...

It's just the beginning! Oooh! There's so much fun to be had there at this college place! (they say you learn things too)

chelsea jade said...

it sounds like you are having a marvellous time, and so you should!

chelsea jade.

Vanessa said...

College really does come to feel so much like home. Glad you're loving your experience so far.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Sounds fatastic and fabulous pictures.

hannah, heart city said...

lovely photos, glad you're having funs!

Joyti said...

It sounds like you're having a great time :)

Sara Downton said...

glad you're having a lovely time at college!