
maybe we could just be

Had a cozy dorm breakfast, eggy toast, jam, coffee
I just want to eat beautiful things
because you are what you eat
so make it pretty.
(lace and cake)
I'm craving this...
Though it's been more like this recently


Gabby Bath said...

mmhhmmm the first two pictures are so pretty and make me crave breakfast foods :)

Vanessa said...

This post made me hungry :-P

lilbent said...

when the snow hit, they served breakfast all day in the caf. It was magical!

Frei said...

The pictures gives me a reason to dream about things, I shouldn't be dreaming about.. :)

Aparna said...

Hahah I loved this post, it made me smile

Unknown said...

This was a fun post! It makes me want cotton candy!

tabitha said...

the first pic looks so cozy and yummy :)

Tereza Pebbles said...

Thanks for the comment hun! Love this post! Very cute blog, Come follow mine :)
